Ontario has not recently undertaken a comprehensive plan for improving health services. After reviewing systems around the world, we offer suggestions for change and some important ideas for staying the course.
Deutschland: Where Insurance Reigns Supreme
Provider self-governance with a low rules environment may be responsible for over-utilization in the German health system. Is this a warning for implementation of Ontario Health Teams?
Does hybrid health care improve public health services? Lessons learned from Australia.
Australia’s hybrid system offers a cautionary tale for Canada. The Australian two-tier, private pay model has not improved access to publicly funded health services.
A Canterbury Tale: Integrated Care, the Kiwi Way
New Zealand’s Canterbury health system has been suggested as a model for Ontario Health Teams. However, on reflection Canterbury may more closely resemble a LHIN.
Kaiser Permanente: A model of integrated care for Ontario Health Teams?
As the Warriors and Raptors battle for NBA supremacy, we take a closer look at Kaiser Permanente, official health care sponsor of the Warriors and purported gold standard for integrated care.
Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: The NHS
The National Health Service is a source of pride for most Britons. The Commonwealth Fund tells us it is the best healthcare system in the world, superior to ours. Here's a closer…
LaMal: Excellent universal care at an expensive cost
21% of Swiss citizens and 10% of Canadians avoid medically necessary care for economic reasons, suggesting that progressive taxation is the most equitable method to fund health care.
Swedish health care: An expensive publicly funded model
Many Canadians suggest we should look to Sweden for lessons in health care delivery. However, paying the same as Swedes do for health services would increase Ontario's deficit by more than $40…