Ontario has not recently undertaken a comprehensive plan for improving health services. After reviewing systems around the world, we offer suggestions for change and some important ideas for staying the course.
Choosing Wisely Canada Now in the Big Leagues
As Canada reflects on the sustainability of a publicly funded system that must respond to the challenges of an aging population, the importance of reducing low-value care becomes increasingly relevant.
Cutting low value health care is high value to Ontario
Deutschland: Where Insurance Reigns Supreme
Provider self-governance with a low rules environment may be responsible for over-utilization in the German health system. Is this a warning for implementation of Ontario Health Teams?
The simple math of hallway medicine
Does hybrid health care improve public health services? Lessons learned from Australia.
Australia’s hybrid system offers a cautionary tale for Canada. The Australian two-tier, private pay model has not improved access to publicly funded health services.
Ontario health quality will suffer under the Peoples Health Act
A Canterbury Tale: Integrated Care, the Kiwi Way
New Zealand’s Canterbury health system has been suggested as a model for Ontario Health Teams. However, on reflection Canterbury may more closely resemble a LHIN.
A threat to the quality of cancer care in Ontario
The End of Ontario’s Cancer Quality Partnership
The termination of the Quality Management Partnership at CCO shows that the government's current priorities do not include improving the quality of cancer diagnosis and treatment.