The prime minister’s aspiration is to emulate Winston Churchill. To date he is more likely to be remembered as a clone of Neville Chamberlain, the ultimate appeaser.
One year on and three steps backwards: Covid-19 and the NHS revisited (part 1)
Last year, as Covid-19 took hold, it became clear why, as a country, our poor performance in managing the pandemic was to be anticipated.
The National Hockey League should not play in Canada during the pandemic
Canadians are in this together. Canadian National Hockey League teams should be in it with us.
From Crisis to Opportunity: Is the Pandemic the Catalyst to a Reshaping of Health and Care services in England?
We owe it to the NHS staff and patients, who have suffered the tragic consequences of the virus, to exploit the opportunity the crisis has presented.
Integrating Ontario’s Healthcare System: A Point of View
Investments in integrated care at an OHT level, leveraged across small population sizes, may be a dilution of resources towards an ineffective outcome, and at best a duplication of effort.
Setting Your Spidey Sense Level
Every family doc knows that your spidey sense level can determine whether you upset patients with unnecessary testing and referrals or risk missing a rare condition with potentially profound consequences.
Dr. Bob Bell isn’t apologizing for medicare
He spoke with us about his eight-part investigation of different international health systems, his motivations, and the comments from doctors.
Unrecognized Physician Pay Inequities in Canadian Medicine
While the feminization of the physician workforce has been well documented and discussed, another shift has also taken place which has not been very well recognized in the typical analysis of physician…
Choosing Wisely Canada Now in the Big Leagues
As Canada reflects on the sustainability of a publicly funded system that must respond to the challenges of an aging population, the importance of reducing low-value care becomes increasingly relevant.
The End of Ontario’s Cancer Quality Partnership
The termination of the Quality Management Partnership at CCO shows that the government's current priorities do not include improving the quality of cancer diagnosis and treatment.